Dyadic's Services

As micro and small companies grow, the scope and dynamic reach of the company also shifts. Often, small startups need help looking forward, managing growth, shaping service offerings and achieving and maintaining the certification process.


Dyadic Consultancy understands the troubles related to these changes and helps small businesses manage these changes as they move forward. Our suite of services includes expert business planning and implementation.

Is your business performing to its full potential? If you’re uncertain, a gap analysis can help you evaluate your current performance and identify areas for improvement. By pinpointing the discrepancy between your current state and your desired state in strategy, processes, technology, and customer service, you can develop a plan to bridge the 'gap' and achieve your desired outcomes.

At Dyadic, we specialise in conducting comprehensive gap analyses that help businesses like yours optimise their potential in the Defence market. Our expert team will work with you to identify the root causes of the discrepancy, set specific goals and objectives, and implement action plans to achieve those goals. You can trust us to determine where resources should be allocated and what changes need to be made to achieve the best possible results.

Don’t let your business fall short of its potential. Contact Dyadic today to schedule a thorough and effective gap analysis.


ISO certification is a crucial step in demonstrating your company’s commitment to meeting international standards set by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). These standards cover a wide range of areas including quality management, environmental management, and information security. Obtaining ISO certification can significantly improve your company’s efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness.

At Dyadic, we understand the importance of ISO certification and the challenges that come with the application process. That’s why we offer to co-author your next ISO application and streamline the approval process. With our expertise and guidance, you can rest assured that your business practices meet the global standards expected by potential multinational clients.

Don’t let the ISO certification process hold you back. Contact Dyadic today and let us help you achieve this important milestone.

Strategic planning is key to achieving your goals and reaching your full potential. At Dyadic, we can assist you with strategic planning by providing objective insights and expertise, facilitating discussions and decision-making, and helping to establish clear goals and action plans. With our benchmarking data, best practices, and tools, we can aid you in planning and tracking your progress towards your goals.

Our team at Dyadic is dedicated to helping businesses succeed. We understand the importance of strategic planning and the challenges that come with it. Incorporating an external, impartial perspective can bring innovative ideas and ensure your business remains current.

Don’t let a lack of strategic planning hold you back. Contact Dyadic today and let us help you achieve your goals.

Business process improvement (BPI) is a systematic approach to identifying, analysing, and improving existing business processes within an organisation. The goal of BPI is to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the organisation's overall performance. By identifying inefficiencies in current processes, redesigning those processes to remove those inefficiencies, and then implementing the new, improved processes, your organisation can achieve its desired outcomes.

At Dyadic, we can help you achieve these outcomes by leveraging our expertise in ISO tools, processes, and approaches. Our team can apply these tools to any process within your organisation, giving you the benefits of certification without the associated costs. 

Contact Dyadic today and let us help you achieve efficiency through business process improvement.

"A systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which agreed criteria are fulfilled". (ISO 19011:2018)

Different types of audits - Dyadic can conduct different audits on behalf of your business, including:

1st party (The objective is to assess the effectiveness of internal controls, compliance with policies and procedures, and identify areas for improvement),

2nd party (Also known as vendor audits, where we carry out assessments on your suppliers to ensure their compliance with contracts, industry standards and regulations, and quality management systems), and

3rd party (Also known as external audits, are performed by an independent, impartial organisation or auditor. The objective is to provide assurance and credibility to stakeholders about the accuracy and compliance with laws and regulations, and the effectiveness of a company's internal controls and management systems).

At Dyadic, we understand the importance of audits and the value they bring to business. Our team of experts can help you navigate the audit process and provide you with the insights and assurance you need to make informed decisions. 

Defence Industry

ISO certification can provide many advantages to Defence companies, including improved quality, enhanced reputation, and assistance in meeting regulatory requirements. In many cases, it is mandatory for companies that deal with Defence to have an ISO certification or participate in tenders for contracts ([Australian Standard for Defence Contracting] ASDEFCON).

Science & Technology Sector

ISO certification in the science and technology industry signifies quality, reliability, and a commitment to continuous improvement. It enhances reputation, and competitiveness, supports regulatory compliance, and fosters innovation. Certifications like ISO, along with DISP, and security clearances, are often essential in this sector.

Rail & Transportation Industry

ISO certification is crucial in the rail and transportation industry. It reflects a company's commitment to quality, safety, and efficiency, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction, cost savings, and a safer transportation system. Certifications like ISO 9001, 14001, 22301, 27001, and 45001 can help companies manage their operations more effectively, leading to improved performance, cost efficiency, and a safer working environment.

Construction & Manufacturing Industry

ISO certification in the construction and manufacturing industries signifies a commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability. It can enhance customer satisfaction, result in cost savings, and promote better environmental practices. Certifications like ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, and others offered by Dyadic, are often prerequisites for contracts in these sectors, underlining their importance in creating a safer, more sustainable built environment.

The Dyadic Guarantee

Our skilled and knowledgeable consultants have a flawless history of successfully guiding our clients through the certification process and we assure you that your ISO management system will receive official recognition from a JAS-ANZ accredited Certification Body.